Monthly Archives: May 2020

Congrats on Prof. Cong, Jingsheng as the foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

Nov 23,2019, Dr. Zhang were with the Professor Cong Jingsheng (member of the American National Academy of Engineering) for his election as a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2019.  Left is the famous Chinese mathematician, Professor … Continue reading

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Dr. Zhang gave a lecture on “Cloud and Big Data Security”

On Oct. 1. 2019, Dr. Zhang gave a lecture on “Cloud and Big Data Security” at the School of Information and Management of Guangxi Medical University. The university is in the city of Nanning, Guangxi province, China.  Dr. Zhang felt … Continue reading

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Dr. Zhang lectured and conducted Academic Exchanges at Guangxi Normal University, China

On Sept. 25, 2019, Dr. Zhang arrived at the Guangxi Normal University, China, and gave a talk on “The Impact of the Development of Cloud Computing on the Software Industry” for the graduate students of the School of Computer Science … Continue reading

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Dr. Zhang lectured on Cloud Computing and Big Data in Geosciences

Dr. Zhang lectured on Cloud Computing and Geological Big Data System at the School of Information Science and Engineering, Guilin University of Technology to teachers and graduate students at the school. Dr. Zhang was received by Dean Xie of the … Continue reading

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Dr. Peter Zhang lectured in China University of Geosciences

Dr. Peter Zhang visited China University of Geosciences and communicated with teachers and students in its computer school to talk about cloud computing with geological big data. China University of Geosciences located on the banks of the beautiful Wuhan East … Continue reading

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Dr. Zhang visited the Computing Center (BJAST)

On Sept. 16,2019, Dr. Peter Zhang visited the Computing Center of Beijing Academy of Science and Technology (BJAST), the high-level multidisciplinary scientific research institution directly under the Beijing Municipal government. Dr. Zhang visited the cloud computing center and its training … Continue reading

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Dr. Peter Zhang visited Tsinghua University

On Sept. 16, 2019, Dr. Peter Zhang visited Tsinghua University’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research Institute and discussed AI topics with the Professors Zhang, Bo and Zhu, Xiaoyan there.  Tsinghua University ranks No. 1 in China (similar to MIT in USA).  … Continue reading

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Are we overestimated COVID-19? 我们是否高估了新冠病毒?

  截至2020年5月2号,美国新冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)死亡人数为64,283 (1, 2) 。根据可查数据,美国2017年总人数325,100,000、注册死亡人数2,813,503、年死亡率为每10万人中865.4例死亡。 主要死因及人数: 心脏病:647,457 癌症:599,108 意外事故(意外伤害):169,936 慢性下呼吸道疾病:160,201 中风(脑血管疾病):146,383 阿尔茨海默氏病:121,404 糖尿病:83,564 流感和肺炎:55,072 肾炎,肾病综合征和肾病:50,633 故意自我伤害(自杀):47,173 数据来源:《死亡:2017年最终数据》 ( 3 )   美国新冠病毒死亡数和2017年流感肺炎死亡级别相似。然而,美国经济因新冠病毒遭受了重创,不仅经济停摆,民众更因新冠疫情而被迫失业。经济学家预测,4月份的失业率将上升至16.1%,雇主要裁掉2200万非农就业岗位,这相当于消除了过去十年中创造的每一份工作(4)。为协助美国全民度过疫情危机,美国联邦政府出炉2兆美元新冠疫情经济纾困计划,同时大开印钞机。这是美国历史上最大规模的经济救援(5,6)! 美国民众开始抗议示威,要求生存权和自由权(人权)(7)。美国政府开始重新审视新冠病毒的危害,加紧全民检测。美国可能最终将走向全民免疫(8)。 但新冠疫情将促成全球一体化的最终解体! 摘引 2019年新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19) CDC: US COVID-19 death toll likely higher than reported Deaths: Final Data … Continue reading

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