Seminar on different technologies for high-level visiting scholars

 At the invitation of the International Training Center of the California State University, Dr. Peter Zhang gave lectures to several high-level delegation from China. Lectures cover cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, e-commerce, and more. The specific lecture title are:
  1. The impact of cloud computing and big data on the software industry
  2. The application of big data in smart cities
  3. The impact of big data on the operation and management of the US government
  4. US e-commerce platform, warehousing logistics and IT support
  5. US cloud computing data center operations management
  6. US Internet User and Digital Divide Survey
  7. Amazon E-commerce Platform













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A technology seminar on IOT

What is the Internet of Things era? The Southern California Chinese Academy of Science and Technology and the Science and Technology Section of the Economic and Cultural Affairs Office held the “Internet of Things Technology Symposium” at the Luoqiao Center on the August 8th 2015.

The lecture is introductory and the audience can understand without a computer background. The seminar discussed the products and application examples of the Internet of Things, and explained the profound changes in the Internet of Things.

In the next decade, human beings will enter the “Internet of Things” era. and live in a smart world. Dr. Zhang, President of American ZHTECH Corporation, introduced the Internet of Things and Cloud Computing. He indicated that cloud computing is the cornerstone of the Internet of Things. According to IBM, by 2020, the number of connected points of the Internet of Things will reach 50 billion. Each person can connect seven to eight points, such as refrigerators, electric stoves, doors and windows, cars, etc. and can control and interact IOT. By 2050, human beings will enter an intelligent society, including smart cities, intelligent transportation, smart travel, smart medical care, etc., and all aspects of life will be intelligent. On the other hand, because almost all data saved on the cloud, hackers can also break into the system. How protecting privacy is a challenge. With the development of science and technology, these privacy problems will also be solved.

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Dr. Peter Zhang gave a seminar on big data in Suzhou, China

On the morning of December 23, 2016, the 128th issue of the leading industry salon organized by the Suzhou Industrial Park (SME Service Center) and the Park Advanced Technology Research Institute – went into the big data era seminar. Dr. Peter Zhang was invited to this salon. Dr. Zhang is California State University Computer Department Distinguished Professor, and cloud computing and big data strategic partner of Amazon, Microsoft, and Google. Dr. Zhang brought “the rise of the era of big data: technology, opportunities and challenges” theme lecture. The event attracted more than 30 people from Zhongke Data, Tencent, Spirit, and Guoyun Data companies. The attendee walked into the era of big data and felt the technological charm of big data.

Dr. Zhang discussed what is big data, the 3V characteristics of big data, the potential value of big data, the big data types generated by humans and by machines, and the prediction of big data market. Dr. Zhang detailed the development and application of big data in the United States, as well as some successful cases of big data applications in the United States. Dr. Zhang also introduced his team from the United States. He said that if a Chinese company wants to learn and do research in big data and cloud computing, his team can come to China and gave a series lectures of big data and cloud computing, and can help to find technology to solve any technical difficulties.

At the end, the event participants actively asked questions and discussed the difficulties and doubts encountered in the work. Dr. Zhang answered questions of the question in detail based on his academic knowledge and work experience.. This salon has broadened the way for the Internet companies in the technology park to better understand and use big data to solve real business problems, and develop effective marketing plans.

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Dr. Zhang’s lectured on Cloud Computing and Big Data

[Epoch Times, December 15, 2014]

On December 6th, 2015, the Chinese-American Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California (CESASC) held a workshop on cloud computing and big data technology . Dr. Zhang gave a lecture on Cloud Computing and Big Data.

Cloud services like public facilities

The existence of public facilities is to provide convenience for the people. When the switch is on, the call can be made, the water is turned on, and the telephone is opened. The user can no longer care about how the hardware and software behind it. Cloud services, like these public facilities, follow the same model, so the cloud is also known as utility computing.
Before the cloud computing, no matter what type of computer, you must install a variety of software programs on this machine, such as MS Office, anti-virus, video playback, graphic program, financial software or ERP or CRM system.. These software and systems are constantly being updated, and companies need to hire professional IT technicians to maintain the system. With the cloud computing, these tasks are not needed. You just subscribe the service and pay according to your usage.

Future computer purchases will have major changes

According to Dr. Zhang, the president and CEO of ZHTECH Corporation, one of the cloud software suppliers in southern California, except for all the data that can exist in the cloud, the trend now is that all software, whether simple or complex, is moving to the cloud. He believes that this will greatly affect the future of computer and software acquisition. He said: “In the future, you don’t need to buy a fancy computer. You may only need to buy a very simple network computer. You can do a lot of things by connecting to the network. So you can save a lot of money. “

Cloud technology adds convenience and fun to life

In addition to saving money, cloud technology brings more convenience and fun to life. For example, Dr. Zhang said that using tablets, smart phones, social networking sites, pictures sending , YouTube video, Gmail taxi calling app, etc., these services need cloud computing and cloud storage for support, and our users did Not necessarily aware of it.

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